Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February 7, 09: Worm Free is the Way to Be

So my stomach has been acting a little funnier that usual for past few months. I couldn't figure out why this was. Surely it had nothing to do with the market and her food that was left out uncovered and at ambient temperatures from morning until whenever the sellers decided to close shop. Neither could it have been due to the fact that washing the dishes sometimes means (at least I have seen this as several small shops) dipping the plates, cups, utensils, and bowls into one big bucket of water wiping them off with your hand or the rag that has been soaking in the bucket and then shaking the excess water off; job done. Needless to say I was pretty sure that there was something that had taken up residence in my guts. So, Bum recently went to the pharmacy and bought some worm medicine for the two of us. I have heard that doctors recommend taking worm medicine 2-3 times a year. This was my first time and Bum said it has been maybe 10 years. You can all rest easily knowing that this medicine killed whatever was in my stomach. I know this because about 2 hours after taking the pills serious nausea and stomach bubbles erupted from deep withing my bowels. (THE FOLLOWING CONTAINS POTTY TALK IF YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED PLEASE SKIP AHEAD) I am guessing that whatever it was did not like what was going on and wanted to get out before it died. It did not. Everything stayed down and the following morning came out (almost before I was ready). Bum made it to the bathroom first and I paced back and forth in the den waiting and thanking God for killing the vile gut demons and asking him to extend his grace until I could make it to the designated drop off point. (POTTY TALK OVER) So now all is normal in my innards and I think I am the only crated thing using my body. Here are some pictures of the stuff I took.

1 comment:

  1. The potty talk is hilarious. Thanks for the laugh. I'm sure it wasn't funny to you while it was going on, but you really have a way with words. Love ya,
    Debbie Nelson
