As for things that have been going on these past two weeks, we went to the Universities graduation ceremony. Actually we went to take pictures with friends before the ceremony because no one is allowed in the auditorium except students, professors, staff, and special guests. The student body has outgrown the auditorium where the graduation takes place so no one gets in that does not have to be there. It was as much fun as a guy who dislikes taking posed pictures in front of hundreds of people can have doing just that. I am very proud of my friend Naamwaan though, who received first honors and the gold coin for being top in her class. Here is a picture of us just before the ceremony started.
This is Bum, Ngor (Pronounced Ng and then /a/ as in call), Naamwaan, and me. This is at about 7:30 in the AM and is not one of the posed pictures I was complaining about. I may put one of them up at a later date when I am feeling like embarrassing myself.
In other news. We went to the hospital to visit Fah's (one of the girls Bum is dicipling) mother. She is there waiting for her third chemo treatment. I am pretty sure that we were some of the only visitors outside of family that went to see here and I think the visit meant a lot to her and to Fah. Me, Bum, Pbet, and Aew (Pbet is the music minister at our church and Aew is his wife) all went to see her and took her some milk. She said the smell of anything else makes her sick. We also had time to pray for her while we were there. As far as i know this is the first time that Fah's mother has had anyone pray for her while she was there.
That is about all for now. If you would please be prating as Bum and I are making some pretty big decisions right now and want to know that what we are doing is what we need to be doing. I am a firm believer in doing something and then letting God show you as you are going where exactly you should go, or even if you should stop and turn around. So we are walking and praying for guidance and for doors to be shut or opened as God directs out steps. Thank you all for your support.
Fun Fact: For the most part in Thailand the police work a nine to five schedule. So most days after five o'clock there are only one or two police in the station and everyone else is at home. At least this is how it works in Chiang Rai. I am sure that in larger cities they are more of a presence.
Fun Picture
I love Ice cream!!